​- Total charge will be based on booked time slot.
(You will be charged for the time you booked even if you finish early.)
- Listed rates are by the hour (not per person or game).
- We require minimum 24 hours notice to make changes to your booking.
- There will be 15 minutes of cleaning/set up time between bookings.
- Absolutely no smoking or vaping allowed.
- The Golf Stadium is not responsible for any injuries, losses or damages sustained at our facility.
(Customers acknowledge that all activities on the premises are potentially and inherently dangerous and they knowingly assume all known/unknown risks.)
- Customers are financially responsible for any damage caused by failure to follow our rules & guidelines.
- Customers acknowledge that our facility is under video surveillance.
- Outside food & beverages are allowed but a cleaning fee of $5/person will be added on.
(Outside Alcohol not allowed in the facility)
- Please bring your own clubs & make sure club faces are clean.
(rentals are available but at limited capacity.)
- Please bring your indoor shoes (clean & dry).
- Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes ahead of time.
- Only 1 person is allowed on the hitting mat during play.
- Please keep out of swing zone (marked with yellow tape).
- Be aware of your backswing and follow through at all times.
- Your shot must be directed forward to the screen.
- Practice swings must be done on the hitting mat only.
- Report any accidents immediately.
- All parents/legal guardians with children are responsible for making sure above rules are enforced.
- Please keep the food /beverage out of the sofa /hitting mat area.